in the dark where facts are not so kind
and intrude on bold faced lies
that don’t apply without a spine.
Inflatable mascots under Russo influence
flipping back and forth in gleeful defiance.
Sleepless nights of waking dreams
To screams of border children
the next in line
for needless slaughter by vicious regimes
and brutal proxies.
Sleepless nights of waking dreams where botniks
data mine our lives
until they drive the “I”
right out of existence.
Compliance not required.
With each involuntary adherence
as natural as breath or a sigh.
Waking dreams of bad anime
Oh god of idle time
that trashes the mind with rancor and hate
to live stream violence, a front row seat
after endless games of Candy Crush.
Sleepless nights of waking dreams
legislating arrogance
to rule the innocent
and shatter tenderness
as we demolish what little is left
of our benevolence.